It’s not always easy to decipher someone’s sexual energy upon a first meet. Yet our passionate side is a strong life force and a very real part of who we are.

In my years as a spiritual reader, couples often ask, “Are we compatible in the bedroom?” To answer this, we need to look at a few components: the female’s Venus sign with the male’s Sun sign, and her Sun with his Mars. We must also consider the Moon sign, which represents the emotional side of the relationship and character. This combination shapes the passion and intimacy over time.

Example: A grounded Taurus male might seem an unlikely match for a fiery Leo female. However, if his Moon is in a fire sign and her Moon is in an earth sign, they create a perfect balance, enhancing their emotional and sexual connection.

Compatibility Factors 🌕

Firstly, we look at the Sun and Moon signs for both partners. These signs indicate initial attraction and emotional connection. For example, the Sun sign represents core personality traits, while the Moon sign delves into deeper emotional needs. A strong Sun-Moon connection can lead to a powerful initial attraction and emotional bonding.

Secondly, numerology plays a significant role. By adding together the birth dates of both partners, we can determine their compatibility in terms of emotional and sexual connection. High compatibility in numerology often enhances the relationship’s depth and intimacy.

Thirdly, long-term passion is influenced by how these astrological elements grow and interact over time. Emotional and sexual compatibility isn’t static; it develops as the relationship progresses. The more time couples spend together, the more their Moon signs and emotional aspects come into play, deepening their connection.

Often, people feel an immediate sexual attraction, sometimes leading to a friends-with-benefits situation that can become more serious if the numerology and birth charts are compatible. Many couples with these combined factors remain married and enjoy a fulfilling sex life.

However, the opposite can happen. If the initial energy fades, one partner might feel the other has become obsessed while they have lost interest. This mismatch occurs when life path numbers and emotional needs are out of sync. For example, one partner might need more emotional connection, while the other is driven by ego and attention.

If you’re seeking just sex and share the same pathway in terms of soul urges and needs, you can have the best sex for a long time. Astrology, numerology, and life paths can reveal these connections.

High Compatibility Signs ❤️‍🔥

Certain signs are known for their high sexual compatibility. For instance, Scorpio, Libra, and Pisces, especially when they have Mars or Venus placements, tend to be very sexual and controlling in bed. They create a powerful and intense connection with their partners.

Gemini and Libra Moons are also highly sexual signs, bringing a strong energy to intimate settings. Their emotional and mental connection adds depth to the relationship.

Double Water Signs, like those with both Sun and Moon in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), often have rich sexual fantasies and a strong ability to control and engage their partners in deep, passionate experiences. You might find that many sex workers are double water signs.


Tips for Finding Compatibility 🫂

  • Ask your partner about their Sun sign.
  • Learn about their Mars and Moon signs.
  • Consult an astrologer to understand your compatibility in detail.

When partners have aligned signs, they often have intense and memorable sexual experiences. If both partners have compatible signs, they can become deeply connected and addicted to each other.

Enjoy exploring your sexual and emotional connection through astrology!

sexual behaviour
Joanna Scott

Joanna Scott


Joanna Scott is a TV famous relationship spiritual reader, working within all aspects of relationships, from friendships to marriages, understanding your deepest fears about relating. She is the author of The Love Key and is currently working on her second book.

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