Cameron is the founder of and for more than a decade has been doing a highly stylized and artisanal form of sensual massage for women.

His practice is focused on using touch as a medium for pleasure and soft revelation, and is intended to bring women closer to what is meaningful and unchanging in their lives. Because pleasure heals.

Curious about the impact of a sensual touch session with Cameron? Let his testimonials speak for themselves.

Can you describe yourself in 3 words?

Wild but civilized.


Tell us more about yourself and what you do…🦹‍♀️

I am interested in many things, and I have many appetites, including writing, design, company making and more, but for the purposes of this interview…

Ten plus years ago, I decided that our increasing reliance on phones and screens was going to feed our minds while starving our bodies.

Our finely-tuned senses have built their meaning and their majesty through centuries of interaction with nature, and yet more and more in modern life, we are starting to process much of our most fundamental experiences through a screen, where there is neither the warm gaze of another person, nor the dazzling sensorial energies of physical space.

To me back in the day it was becoming clear that phone culture was fundamentally altering the way that we experience ourselves, in such a way that we were risking not recognizing ourselves anymore in any conventional sense.

I could feel at the time that were playing a dangerous game with our nervous systems in processing what I call “hyper-novelty” all day long through screens and phones. 

And I wondered: what happens to touch in the age of screens? 

So at the time, I looked around for the antidote to all of this and found the registered massage industry was both incapable and unwilling to deal with this looming crisis, and was happy to keep treating people like cars that break down and need repair, instead of seeing us as deeply interwoven physical, emotional, and sexual energies inside a body.

That’s why after spending two years studying the massage industry in North America, and becoming completely dejected, I ran screaming from the building, knowing the only way forward was for me to develop my own practice and system of touch. 

From there, was born. 

Somewhere around 2011, I wrote a long love letter to touch on my website. There were no pictures of massage, no pictures of me, just a sweet missive from my heart about my own fractured relationship to touch, and what might be possible for touch and massage if we injected soul and sensuality in its bloodstream. 

The response to my words was swift and life-altering: I started to receive emails from women all over the place cautiously curious, where they would pour out their hearts about their desires, the dwindling of their wild natures, the every day regrets, the quiet aches, and an almost staccato-like repetition of stories about being touch starved. 

I had struck a nerve. 

I had discovered some unholy alliance between myself and the women that started to come to me. There was a monastic and religious quality to it.

Like early pilgrims on the touch revival train. I provided the container of slowness, soft beauty, and gentle touch, and they unfurled their depth to me over hours, days, and even months. 

Since then I’ve worked on more than 1000 women of every possible human variation. The stories I have heard and played midwife to are simply….astonishing. 

Eventually, over time, I took what is a highly intuitive process and developed it into a complete wraparound system of talk, touch, and transformation, which I use and teach to this day.


Meet massage therapist & coach: Cameron of
Meet massage therapist & coach: Cameron of

What services do you provide on Sensuali?

Sensual touch + massage + coaching.  

What turns you on?

I am turned on by many things, the majority of which are the tiny whispers of sensuality we experience every day. I like things not easily revealed, things that must be developed, cared for, listened to.

I find porn and hookup culture absolutely dystopian, decadent, and spiritually empty. There is nothing sensual about any of it. Instead I like slowness, depth, and eye contact as the ground floor of desire. Sex is easy; sensuality requires a story, some context, added details. I like all that stuff.

In my work I am turned on when a woman gets free. That is truly intoxicating.

What was your journey into this world?

I had some, let’s say, less-than-ideal experiences with touch as a child. Plenty of abuse, from family members and beyond, that left me rigid, reclusive and scared through my teens and 20’s.

I sat in front a screen for twenty years after that, hiding from myself. An eponymous meeting with my Chinese doctor friend, a magnificent story in itself, broke me open to a new way of experiencing myself through touch.

And so began a sort of opening of nested dolls in my life that led to the work I do now. It’s a beautiful story best told in person. If and when we meet I will tell it to you, dear reader. 😉


What do the first 60 minutes of your day look like?

I get up very early, as I live in a big city, and I love the quiet and the possibility of the early morning. I immediately consume eggs and toast, chased by two strong espressos. Then I walk 5-10 km, no….matter….what. Then the day is open to discover.


What is an unexpected pleasure you discovered in your work?

Given my work is pleasure, it’s hard to answer this, mostly because there isn’t much I haven’t experienced over a decade of doing it. I simply love meeting a stranger, with all their quivering expectation, only to be sharing relaxed jokes a few hours later post session.

The world seems better when people find each other, risk their desires and appetites, and part with elongated secrets. Life doesn’t seem as difficult. To connect is to risk being known, to be seen.

Why do you do what you do?

I do it because it is deeply meaningful and revelatory, for me and the women that come to me. The work can be difficult, challenging, and even exhausting, but the rewards are almost impossible to even calculate.

I’ve been given everything that matters through this pursuit: accomplishment, love, kindness, care, and infinite generosity.

massage therapist & coach: Cameron of
Massage therapist & coach: Cameron of

What should more people know about your work?

Good touch is as necessary to our well being as food and water. Some people need very little touch to feel sane, others need a lot. But as a culture we’re playing a very dangerous game of removing touch from our communal lives and from our intimate relationships.

The work I do is my punk rock kick against the techno fascism of our time. Our devices and social media are killing our souls. We need more touch. It’s as plain as day to me, and to the women who whisper to me in the dark.


What’s your superpower?

I’m a good listener. I’m infinitely fascinated with the grit, grime and ecstasy of soul-making.


We love vices. What’s yours? 

I don’t have any vices anymore. I’ve tamed them, mostly. Maybe just red wine.

Who are your sensual inspirations?

God, so many. 

Helmut Newton photographs, Wim Wenders movies, Diane Ackerman’s seminal book “A Natural History of The Senses”, the astonishingly sensual “Three Colours: Red” by Kieślowski, William Irwin Thompson’s mind jazz, white glove cheese shops in Paris, Brian Eno’s ambient work, Little Dragon’s electro soul…

I could go on and on.


Closing thoughts?

Honesty is kindness. We don’t tell the truth enough these days. We are surrounded by bullshit all day long, and to have someone gently and kindly level with us is like taking off a too-tight shoe. We know where we stand, which is something.

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sensual massage
Wellness & Education



Iso is a writer and filmmaker based in East London. She is passionate about all things erotic and leads a sexy, shame-free life in hope that she can inspire others to do the same. Originally from a Northern seaside town, she is naturally drawn to the best things in life: candyfloss, trashy karaoke bars and heart-shaped sunglasses.




Cameron is the founder of and for more than a decade has been doing a highly stylized and artisanal form of sensual massage for women. His practice is focused on using touch as a medium for pleasure and soft revelation, and is intended to bring women closer to what is meaningful and unchanging in their lives. Because pleasure heals.

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