Menopause is a natural transition that marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years. It is often accompanied by physical and emotional changes, and its significance goes far beyond the biological realm. In many cultures, menopause is associated with the crone archetype – a powerful symbol of wisdom, transformation, and spiritual growth. 

The Power of Menopause and the Crone Archetype

Sensuali Blog: The Glorious Crone
Photo Source: Joy Marino

In our youth-obsessed society, menopause is something women have been conditioned to fear. But the postmenopausal phase of life is actually the time a woman is most powerful. I’ve talked about the different phases of womanhood before and more specifically, how society pressures women to try and stay in their maiden phase forever – a tragedy that diminishes female divinity by inhibiting aging women from accepting reality and embracing change, which in turn, makes them insecure and resentful.

The maiden, mother, and crone archetypes are symbolic representations often associated with the stages of a woman’s life and the cycles of nature. These archetypes originate from various mythologies and have been widely used in literature, psychology, and spiritual practices.


The maiden archetype represents youth, innocence, and new beginnings. Often portrayed as a young woman, the Maiden embodies qualities such as curiosity, independence, spontaneity, and the potential for growth and self-discovery. 

 She is associated with the spring season and the element of air. The Maiden archetype signifies the initial stages of a woman’s journey, full of possibilities, optimism, and a sense of adventure.


The mother archetype symbolizes nurturing, compassion, fertility, and creation. She is typically depicted as a woman in her prime, representing the power of childbirth and the caretaker role. The Mother embodies qualities such as unconditional love, protection, emotional strength, and the ability to provide sustenance and guidance. 

She is associated with the summer season and the element of water. The Mother archetype reflects the stage in a woman’s life where she embraces her capacity to nurture and care for others, whether it be her own children or the community around her.


The crone archetype represents wisdom, transformation, and the cycle of life and death. She is often depicted as an older woman, past her childbearing years. The Crone embodies qualities such as deep intuition, experience, introspection, and a connection to the spiritual realm. 

She is associated with the autumn season and the element of earth. The Crone archetype symbolizes the culmination of a woman’s life journey, where she has gained profound wisdom and understanding through life’s trials and tribulations. She serves as a guide and mentor, offering insight and counsel to those seeking guidance.

The Super Powers of Menopause

Sensuali Blog: Superpowers of Menopause
Photo Source: Joy Marino

I recently shared a powerful bonding experience with two women. One of them was about to turn 21 and embodied the maiden archetype to a tee. I myself have been transitioning from maiden to mother, as I approach 30 and reflect back on my twenties with empathy towards myself and those who wronged me, as well as a newfound sense of accountability. The third woman was Molly — a 48-year-old goddess who opened up to us about her experience going through menopause over the last few years. 

Naturally, there were intense side effects, including hot flashes, mood swings, and weight gain. It had taken her a minute to put two and two together and realize that she was going through menopause but once she did, she went on hormone replacement therapy and experienced much smoother sailing going forward. 

A spiritual healer type, Molly is more aware than most about the amazing powers that unlock when a woman crosses the threshold from mother to crone. As such, she didn’t buy into the bullshit societal narrative that a woman’s value diminishes once her sexual vitality fades. On the contrary, this transformative phase provides a gateway to a deeper understanding of oneself and the world, enabling women to embrace their inner crone and tap into their inherent powers. 

Wisdom and Experience

Menopause brings with it a wealth of life experience. As women age, they accumulate knowledge, resilience, and wisdom. Menopause provides an opportunity to reflect upon this accumulated wisdom, integrate it into one’s identity, and share it with others. The crone archetype reminds us that aging is not a decline but rather an invitation to become a beacon of wisdom and guidance for others.

Emotional Liberation

Menopause is often accompanied by emotional ups and downs. Hormonal shifts can amplify emotions, leading to heightened self-awareness and introspection. This emotional intensity can serve as a catalyst for personal growth and transformation. By embracing the crone archetype, women can learn to navigate their emotions with grace, authenticity, and self-compassion.

Spiritual Awakening 

Menopause is a time when women may experience profound spiritual shifts. As the body undergoes physical changes, the mind and spirit can also open up to new perspectives and insights. The crone archetype encourages women to explore their spirituality, deepen their connection with the divine, and embrace their inner mystic. Menopause can be a gateway to spiritual awakening and a deeper sense of purpose.

Self-Actualization and Reinvention

Menopause invites women to reimagine their lives and redefine their identities. It is a time of self-actualization and reinvention, where women can shed societal expectations and embrace their authentic selves. The crone archetype empowers women to step into their power, pursue their passions, and create fulfilling lives based on their own terms.

Closing Thoughts

Sensuali Blog: Embrace the Wrinkles
Photo Source: Daily Mail

I am truly looking forward to this exciting phase of life. Of course, physically aging isn’t easy in this world – especially as a woman. I already have smile lines and under-eye wrinkles and I can’t say one way or another whether I will commit to the 100% natural way of aging or turn to minimally noninvasive cosmetic procedures. 

Gwyneth Paltrow and other 45+ influencers have ushered in a whole new industry based around embracing menopause. While on some level, I think it’s great that women of a certain age are being given a platform rather than being banished from the public eye (as has been the status quo for decades), I’m weary of the capitalist twist behind this movement because capitalism inherently sexualizes women. 

Therefore, the power of the women leading this charge is often derived from sentiments like, “Can you believe how good she looks at 50!” Wealthy women with unlimited access to anti-aging treatments and plastic surgery are setting a new, impossible standard for how all women “should” age – one that caters towards chasing the maiden phase rather than embracing the crone phase in all its weathered glory. 

Embracing the crone archetype allows women to fully embody their strength, resilience, and transformative potential. Menopause is not a sign of decline but rather a doorway to personal empowerment and a deeper understanding of oneself. It’s time for society to recognize and honor the transformative powers of menopause and the crone archetype.

Let us celebrate menopause as a gateway to wisdom, personal growth, and a more empowered existence for all women!

holistic health



Based in Brooklyn, Jules has dedicated her twenties towards harnessing her pussy power, exploring the muse, whore, and wild woman archetypes along the way. When not blogging, you can find her sweating the toxins out in a hot yoga class or sipping a matcha latte at a pretentious coffee shop, whilst she scribbles away in her journal.

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