Tell me about your preference for natural tits.

To be completely honest I don’t think about this very much anymore. When I was younger, I was probably attracted to big fake breasts. Not in an intentional way but I feel as though lots of the media and imagery on the internet reflected big old fake breasts. So my taste leaned in that direction. I probably didn’t know it at the time. I remember released a daily game called fake or real. Where you had to select between two sets of breasts. I remember scoring perfectly, every time, which brought my attention to the matter.

Is there someone out there who you would describe as having the perfect female figure?

I don’t really think about this at all. I don’t think so. All bodies are very beautiful and I don’t mean this in a corny, woo-woo way. But there are no perfect bodies. They fluctuate regularly and I’ve found with time that sexual preference towards bodies can wildly differ within a person given their mood, or what they’re looking at. I also have found through time that health and strength are the most attractive things. I appreciate a fit active body in general. But I can appreciate wildly differing things.

How much of a dealbreaker is plastic surgery for you and have you been with women who have fake tits? If yes, tell me more about those experiences.

It has come to be a dealbreaker in some regards. Not in the fact that there are fake breasts present themselves, that’s fine and sometimes appreciated. I just feel with my natural aesthetic and insufferable raw veganism that the type of person who gets fake breasts is not really my thing. Sometimes I’m shocked when there is someone in a yoga class who looks very fit and health conscious and they have fake breasts. I’ve seen this a few times and it’s surprising.   I feel that they’re putting a lot of work into their body and health and that fake breasts are antithetical to that. I’m not right about that but it’s a feeling.

How well versed are you in deciphering fake tits? (Ex. cheap vs expensive, silicone versus saline). Do guys actually give a shit about this kind of stuff?

As I quoted early in the playboy thing, I’m quite proficient. I was once surprised by someone I was who told me she had fake breasts and I was slightly surprised, though it made total sense.

In your experience, do women with fake tits seem to be more confident as a result of their fake tits, or are the fake tits typically more indicative of a body dysmorphic woman who will stop at nothing to perfect herself?

I actually don’t think they seem more confident. They seem more status and superficial driven but this is often coupled with great insecurity, not always though. There are certain women who undoubtedly derive a great deal of confidence and esteem from having fake breasts. I find the most confident woman to be ones that are cool with having “imperfect” small or nonexistent boobs but know they’re hot and develop their strength, fitness, and mental attractiveness.

I do think that to me it triggers a thought process of appealing to a societal version of beauty and going to some unnatural extremes to be perceived as hot, in ways I personally believe are non-lasting, surface level, and sometimes counterproductive. Don’t get me wrong, in the right circumstance, I’d fuck the shit outta a huge pair of fake breasts. Motorboat city too. However, I think it’s less likely that I’d date someone who has fake breasts, not for that reason but for the psychological components. To be clear, I’ve known some really cool people with fake breasts, but dating worthy alignment would tend not to be there, I could be wrong.

How does your answer to the above tie back to your preference for natural boobs? I.e how much does your preference stem from pure aesthetics versus the psychological signaling that goes along with having a boob job?

I’m all for nice boobs real or fake. For sure, my preference stems from the psychological components that are associated with having a boob job. I think a lot of other aesthetics go hand and hand with that.

What’s your overall experience with friends, lovers, etc. who have gone under the knife to get fake boobs? Do they seem more content now are do they have regrets?

I’ve not known anyone who has openly discussed the before and after with me. I can speak to nose jobs which I’ve known about which has been major confidence boosters and game changers for individuals in my life. I’ve known a couple of woman who have done breast reductions and very immaturely and terribly I have in the past stated how that’s a bad idea to them. This was terrible and something I regret immensely and view it as disgusting projection of my aesthetic needs over their physical comfort as it was likely causing them a great deal of pain to do such a drastic procedure.

I am ashamed of that. But plastic surgery, when minor, such as a nose job or something can be really game changing. I think the secret is to do it once, have it be well done ( as opposed to terribly? smh) and to leave it. I had a cousin who had some plastic surgery. And i was uncomfortable with how hot i found her. Truly. But then she overdid it and I think she most definitely needed to stop.

Based on your interactions with men, what seems to be the female ideal? Is there even one or does every guy really just have his own cup of tea?

There’s more of a projected idea of male ideas of the female ideal. there are definitely a lot of stereotypes that are true but there is way more of a wide range than “they” would have you believe.

Are there “perfect” looking celebs (like Kim K) who all men want to fuck regardless of personality or is all that plastic a turn-off? And as far as fake tits go, would you say most of your male friends are into them, not into them, or don’t give a fuck?

They think they’re hot but its not the only thing. I’d f the S out of Kim K, but also women who differ radically in appearance from her. I do think obesity is one of the cultural beauty standard norms that’s most adhered to , but there are a lot of people who are willing, able and desire people who are overweight as well

How do you think porn and pop culture inform your own sexual preferences?

Porn makes people really kinky and weird through exposing people to ideas and concepts that they wouldn’t have reached themselves, at that pace. I have seen a collective network effect that permeates throughout the culture. people have gotten kinkier and more expressive about concepts that are rooted in porn. A lot of porn , or most, is extremely misogynistic and centers the male desire in sexual experiences and this is reflected with how men and women deal with sex, for sure. Which is unfortunate.

Have you ever considered augmenting your body? Be it through leg extension or penis enlargement? As a male in society, what do you think about unrealistic body standards, and do you feel that that burden falls unfairly on women?

I have not. there was a time where i considered getting an automatic electric ab workout thing that would make you workout your abs through usage of electric impulse on a belt that went round your stomach. This was cheating and a way of working out without working out. turns out a lot of these things caused injuries and electrical shock that was damaging to a body.

I didn’t like that idea and had to work really hard to achieve certain physique and strength goals which made mental shifts that accompanied physical shifts that were really big breakthroughs and the whole point of working out. I believe the electric ab auto workout thing having damaging repercussions is somewhat analogous to breast implants being now regarded as carcinogenic, toxic and carrying a wide range of health complications with them

psychology of sex



Based in Brooklyn, Jules has dedicated her twenties towards harnessing her pussy power, exploring the muse, whore, and wild woman archetypes along the way. When not blogging, you can find her sweating the toxins out in a hot yoga class or sipping a matcha latte at a pretentious coffee shop, whilst she scribbles away in her journal.

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