Over the last few months, I’ve been attempting to expand my siloed feminist worldview through a series of deep dives into various men’s rights movements. I’ve been hard-pressed to find an incel or pickup artist to interview, but this week I was able to wrangle up a self-proclaimed anti-feminist who is all about the red pill movement

Plot twist – not only is he an ex of mine but he credits my behavior when we dated as a contributing factor for why he’s transformed from a women’s march participant to an Andrew Tate fanboy. As hard as it was to remove my ego and not take things too personally, I must admit that sitting down and talking openly and honestly was quite refreshing. 

What drew you towards the red pill movement?

These last few years have been very trying for me emotionally. I had my heart broken twice – first by you, then by Sarah. Two abortions too. I fully believe in the “my body, my choice” thing, but I felt like I had no say whatsoever in either situation – just another example of men’s feelings being totally dismissed and invalidated. 

The feminist movement may have started out with pure intentions but it’s eroded severely. It used to be about women wanting equal opportunities to men. But at some point, women got greedy. They have been playing victim in order to give themselves a leg up and emasculate men for decades now. We’re living in a world full of misandry, where divorce courts heavily favor women and effectively deem men non-essential to child-rearing. 

Sensuali Blog: Do women secretly run the world?
Do women secretly run the world?

But all the narratives you see in the media about strong single mothers being all a child needs are bullshit. The data shows that while a mother is crucial to the survival of a baby in its first few months, the father plays a much more important role in instilling values and providing a blueprint for how to live – regardless of the gender of the child. 

That’s why I’m so fucked. I was raised by a single mother who worked full-time and an older sister. I grew up idolizing them and while I appreciate all the sacrifices they made for me, I am full of resentment for the anti-male approach they took and the lack of a father figure I had growing up.

After my last breakup, my mental health took a toll and I was looking for answers. I started reading red pill stuff online and for the first time, I saw my experiences and frustrations being mirrored back to me. The movement gets a bad rap but most of it focuses on diet, exercise, and discipline. It’s really just a safe space for men to speak freely, which is an increasingly hard thing to find these days.

What frustrates you most about modern feminism? 

The double standards. Women want to eat their cake and eat it too, and they’ve been getting away with it for the last 50 years. Women compare their entire gender’s experiences to those of the .1% of men who run the world. But what about the millions, no billions, of men who dedicate their lives to keeping the world running — the factory workers, the taxi drivers, the construction workers?

These men selflessly devote themselves to providing for their families and communities and what do they get in return? Nothing. Not even so much as a “thanks.” Western women are delusional enough to group these men into the privileged ranks of world leaders and CEOs. 

Sensuali Blog: The Plight of the Working Man
Women often compare their plights to the elite alpha males, not the ones doing back-breaking labor to provide for their families.

Somehow, women are allowed to shit on the entire male race in casual conversation, while reaping the social benefits that come from the blood, sweat, and tears of male labor. You want equal opportunity? How about a mandate that subjects both men and women to a draft? 

Until women are able to take a step back and see how burdensome the patriarchy is on men, I don’t want to hear about the wage gap – which by the way is total bullshit anyways. 

What advice would you give to a young man trying to navigate the dating landscape of modern times?

Chivalry is dead. We were raised to believe that women want a man who treats them with kindness and devotion. But that’s not actually what they want. Ignore her and she won’t be able to stop thinking about you.100% of women on dating apps are seeking the top 10% of men – a guy who at the bare minimum is at least 6 feet tall and makes 6 figures. 

Since these guys have so many options and always will, they view the women trying to land a long-term boyfriend as casual hookups. I would know because that was me before I became so disillusioned by the apps that I deleted them. I have what they call they call the dark triad – a combination of narcissism, sociopathy, and Machiavellianism – that is empirically proven to attract women. 

If that’s not you, I would suggest making an insane amount of money, moving to a more male-friendly country where a potential wife won’t be brainwashed by western feminism, or just swearing off women altogether and getting a sex robot. Honestly, it’s brutal out there for men these days. 

The damn is about to break though and women should be scared. A generation of sexually frustrated men who have less incentive to protect women and more incentive to lash out at them than ever before is finding its voice. Violence is bound to ensue. 

Sensuali Blog: A Generation of Disenfranchised Men
A generation of disenfranchised men with easy access to weapons — what could possibly go wrong?

Do you hate women? 

No. I mean I’ve definitely felt a lot of frustration towards women and modern-day feminism but I don’t hate them. By today’s standards, I would absolutely be considered a misogynist though. When it comes to directing, I used to hire women all the time but now I just see them as a liability. If I say the wrong thing or use the wrong tone, my entire career could blow up. This whole “Trust all women” sentiment puts innocent men at risk. 

I also feel like I can’t even voice my preference for women with lower BMIs or who don’t have a high body count without being accused of sexism. Meanwhile, it’s totally acceptable for a woman to write on her dating profile, “No men under 6 feet.” Women and white women in particular occupy a privileged space in society – at least when they are young and attractive. They have tons of men competing for their attention. But they are delusional to think that that power is going to last forever. 

I see it all the time in New York – these boss bitch types who lean heavily into their masculine traits to get ahead in their corporate careers. They rack up a body count of 50 or 100 dudes and by the time they hit 35, they are desperate to lock down a man to start a family with. But all the men that pined after them in their twenties have now moved on to younger, hotter models, leaving these women bitter as fuck. 

But rather than reflect back on their own life decisions, they blame the patriarchy. I have this theory that anyone who is a Karen used to be an entitled, hot girl who never heard the word, “no.” Now middle-aged and invisible, they grab power wherever they can. 

Sensuali Blog: Karens Love to Play Victim
Are Karens really just former hot girls who never learned how to take accountability for their actions?

What message do you wish women could hear and internalize? 

Accountability. As a man, my word is everything. When I fuck up, I own it and apologize. But as I’m coming to learn through my red pill education, women are a different beast. They are more driven by emotion and are therefore more likely to say things they don’t mean. 

This comes with lots of excuses and an astounding lack of accountability. Men are scapegoated incessantly and when they do try and stand their ground, they are labeled as problematic misogynists. Do you know how dehumanizing that feels?  

What lies ahead for the red pill / feminist movement?

A reckoning is coming. Things can’t keep going as they are. The Misandry Bubble does a good job of predicting how and when this new social order will come about. Overall, it will be good for men and women. Feminism has given women the green flag to sleep with tons of men under the guise of empowerment. But it’s a false sense of empowerment, at least that’s how it feels to me. 

A girl twerking her ass on OnlyFans is not empowered because her entire self-worth is tied to the short-lived external validation she gets from low-quality men. Women go around complaining about men only being interested in sex but my whole thing is, “If that’s all you have to offer, that’s all I’m going to be interested in.” 

Sensuali Blog: Women Perpetuating the Male Gaze
Women play into male gaze culture and then get offended when men don’t take them seriously.

Women are parading around with their tits and asses out, desperate for male attention. And we’re willing to give it to them but then comes the question, “What else do you  have to offer?” Women’s Lib got rid of Home Ec so now there are all these women in their twenties and thirties with no life skills. They can’t cook, they can’t clean. 

All their worth is tied to their sexuality. It’s actually really sad. But a correction is inevitable. Whether they realize it or not, most people my age have had their souls totally drained by hookup culture. I see modesty making a comeback within the next generation

point of view



Based in Brooklyn, Jules has dedicated her twenties towards harnessing her pussy power, exploring the muse, whore, and wild woman archetypes along the way. When not blogging, you can find her sweating the toxins out in a hot yoga class or sipping a matcha latte at a pretentious coffee shop, whilst she scribbles away in her journal.

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