The funny thing about full service sex work…75% of the time, you’re f***ing all these different guys without a thought or care in the world. 24% of the time, you’re f***ing them and thinking Wow! Not only am I very into this right now, but I’m getting ££££ for being very into this right now. But then there’s inevitably that 1%.

Pretty much every sex worker has had some crappy experiences. At the time you tell yourself it wasn’t a big deal. You don’t cry, you just keep going, quietly mindless, because it’s the only thing you can do. It’s only weeks down the line, on an evening where you’re feeling particularly low, that it creeps into your head. Then it grows and keeps growing until you let it all out. And you realise it did cut deep after all.

You wonder if, as a sex worker, you can even report things like this, or receive any help to try and stop it happening again. When you find out that you can, you question whether it’s worth the hassle. You imagine yourself on some crappy hotline, the voice on the other end detached and silently judgemental. You think, what can a total stranger really do to make this situation better? 

It turns out that actually, the answer is a bloody lot. It doesn’t have to come in the form of support therapy. It can be reading blogs by other sex workers that share the same strange, hilarious experiences as you, or apps that warn you of potential dodgy clients- even a bit of small talk over free breakfast with other sex workers. Here are some of the best organisations for sex workers, and exactly how they can help you.


The Best for Tips & Advice

sex work advice


Who: led by sex workers

What: support, advice & online forum

Where: online only 

“not designed to be an authoritative guide, merely some words of wisdom mixed with a bit of humour’

SAAFE is run by sex workers, meaning that they know what info you need- the kind of stuff you wouldn’t find answered anywhere else on the internet. Although they don’t have a huge social presence, their website is full of guidance. They give you the low down on pretty much everything from how to spot timewasters to  performing oral with or without a condom.

They are great for people who are new to sex work and have a quick starter guide for anyone who needs it. For any questions they don’t have the answer to, they have a forum– like Quora, but for sex work!


The Best for Reporting Someone

sex work safety

NUM (National Ugly Mugs)                                                    

Who? Led by a mix of sex workers & sex work experts.

What? Tools to report people and awareness of previously reported people.

Where? Manchester & Online.

“[We] offer a digital reporting and alerting mechanism to warn these communities about dangerous individuals who may target them.”

NUM is a seriously great website for sex workers. On it you can do three main things-  1. report an incident, 2. check a client’s details to make sure they haven’t been  reported before, and 3. sign up for alerts for people to watch out for. Keep in mind that you have to create an account and wait for it to be approved before you can do these things.

They also have a Victim Support  page, where you can call, email or live chat with their Casework Team for a chat about anything that might’ve happened to you. And it’s truly a NICE chat. They’re not patronising//judgy/pushy…so very much recommended! They also have a cool Instagram and Twitter that tend to feature super interesting sex work studies & reports. Check it out.


The Best for Campaigning & In-Person Support

sex work activism

SWARM  (Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement)

Who? Led by sex workers 

What? Protesting, group socials & support drop-ins

Where? London, Leeds, Glasgow & Online

“A sex worker-led collective fighting criminalisation, supporting sex workers, & engaging in solidarity across issues of justice”

If you’re looking to meet others in the sex worker community then Swarm’s for you! They are a really progressive collective who are focused on in-person meet ups and protests. They’re very active on their main Twitter and Instagram accounts so it’s best to follow them on there to find out about any upcoming events.

They hold sex worker rights demonstations,  monthly advice and support sessions (in-person and online), as well as sex worker socials! They also regularly hold events for specific sex worker minorities such as Trans/NB/POC. 

You can email them with any questions about events on [email protected]

For events in the North, you can email [email protected] and follow the SwarmNorth Twitter.


The Best for Urgent Help or a Way Out

sex work support

Beyond the Streets 

If you don’t want to work in the sex industry anymore but you feel that you have no other choice, you can call them on 08001337870, say your name and mobile number, and they will call you back. Otherwise, you can email them at [email protected]

Stop the Traffik 

If you think you are being forced into sex work or you suspect that somebody else might be, you can call +44 (0) 207 921 4258 and they will help you. Otherwise you can download the Stop App to report this. 



Sex Work Support by Area

sex work support


ECP (English Collective of Prostitutes) 

Great for: Campaigning, Political Resources, Getting help

NHS (National Health Service)

Great for: Free sexual health services near you. 


Refuge Centres

Most areas in the UK have refuge centres, mostly for women only (and their children), who feel unsafe in their home and need emergency accommodation. If you type into Google {your area + refuge centre}, you are quite likely to find somewhere. They will usually provide you with a nice place to stay, with shower and laundry services, and they’ll help to support you in moving forward. 


North West 


Great for: Sexual health services and one to one support.

Blackpool, Lancashire & Blackburn 

01253 311431



Women only (trans inclusive).

Great for: Sexual health services, one to one support, free food & sex supplies. (no appointment required!)

Manchester, 0161 273 4555


The Men’s Room 

Men only (trans inclusive)

Great for:. One to one support, arts sessions, free food and socials with other sex workers.

Manchester, 0161 834 1827


Red Umbrella Project

Great for: Helping sex workers out of dangerous situations and assitance in reporting a crime.

Merseyside & Cheshire 

Email [email protected] or message the Changing Lives Facebook page


North East

Changing Lives 

Great for: One to one support, sexual health services, group support, support around self defence. 

Gateshead, 0191 273 8891



Women only (trans inclusive).

Great for: Do at home STI tests, free sex supplies, one to one phone appointments.

Newcastle (currently online only) 0191 2772050    



Great for: Counselling and support for those who have been raped or sexually abused.  

Middlesbrough, 01642 822331


Yorkshire & Lincolnshire


Great for: Sex worker socials, home visits, sexual health services, special support for trans sex workers and student sex workers. 

Leeds, 0113 2430036


Great for: Sex worker sexual health services, face to face appointments.

Lincoln, 01522 309 309

SWOPP (Sheffield Working Women’s Opportunities Project)

(Women only)

Great for: One to one support, sexual health services, weekly food parcels, clothes swaps, free sex supplies. 

Sheffield, (0114) 2536899 / (07957) 567937


Great for: Marginalised races, LQBT+ community. Sexual Health services, 121 support & group sessions. 

Leeds, York, North Yorkshire, Bradford, Hull, Rotherham. Click here for addresses. 

West Midlands 

The Red Project 

Great for: Sexual health services, free sex supplies, sexual violence councelling and support. 

Birmingham & Solihull, 07432 578105


Great for: Sexual health services, pop up services in street sex work areas. Birmingham & Solihull, 0121 237 5700    


(Women only)

Great for: Sexual assualt support, free sex supplies, clothes & food, support with housing and benefits 

Stoke-on-Trent, 01782 286862 / 07876 442317 / 07467 822005

East Midlands


Great for: Sexual health services, outreach for street sex workers, one to one support. 

Derby & surrounding areas, 07926222809  

Women’s Work 

(women only) 

Great for: Sexual health services, free food & sex supplies, advice & support. 

Derby, 01332 242 525 /  01332 412580

New Futures

(Women and young people)

Great for: Free sex supplies, clothes, food parcels, hot food, showers & laundry services, weekly counselling & support for sexually exploited young people. 

Leicester, 0116 251 0803


(women only)

Great for: Outreach & drop in sessions on female only premises, sexual health advice. 

Northamptonshire,  01604 633213


Great for: 1-2-1 support, sexual health services, outreach for street sex workers,v free sex supplies, free clothes, showers & laundry services and holistic craft sessions ! 

Nottingham, 0115 924 9992

West & South West 


Great for: Campaigning, joining a local community of sex workers.

Bristol. Click here to contact. 

One 25 

(Women only)

Great for: Night outreach for street sex workers, 1-2-1 support, drop in centre & free food. 

Bristol, 0117 909 8832


The Women’s Centre Cornwall 

(Women only)

Great for: Crisis helpline, 1-2-1 support, group support, therapy for sexual abuse survivors, online forum. 

Cornwall, 01208 76466



Great for: Night outreach for street sex workers, free food & sex supplies, 1-2-1 support, workshops, freedom from domestic violence programmes. 

Gloucester, Swindon, Somerset. Click here for contact info. 



Phoenix Project 

(Women indoor sex workers)

Great for: Outreach services, safety advice, emotional support

Norfolk. Click here to contact 


Charis Tiwala

Great for: Sexual health services, confidental advice & support, free sex supplies & food parcels. 

Hertfordshire, 07925 022845



Dorset Working Women’s Project 

(Women only)

Great for: Outreach for street sex workers, home visits, drop in sessions, info on local ‘dodgy punters’, sexual health advice.

Dorset, 01202 646 912


TULIP Clinics 

Great for: walk in sexual health services &support.

Hampshire- various clinics. 0300 300 2016


Terrence Higgins Trust 

Great for: 1-2-1 support, free sex supplies & sexual health advice.

Oxfordshire, 07741 324 909


London and the South East

56 Dean Street

Great for: Sexual health services that focus on the LGBTQI+ community.

Soho, London, 020 3315 5656



Great for: Free English language lessons for migrants working in the sex industry, campaigning, events & discussions. 

Bethnal Green, London, ​​[email protected]



Great for: free food, clothing, showers & healthcare, 1-2-1 support, drop in sessions, a womens-only space, rough sleeper space. 

Tooting Bec, London, 020 8696 0943


Swop Sussex 

Great for:  1 to 1 support, advice and sexual health services.

Brighton, 01273 675526 / 07801 376158


Isle of Man & Channel Islands

GUM Clinic Jersey

Great for: Sexual health services & advice.

Jersey,  +44 (0) 1534 442856 


GUM Clinic Isle of Man 

Great for: Sexual health services & advice. 

Isle of Man, +44 1624 650710


The Orchard Centre 

Great for: Sexual health services & advice. 

Guernsey,  (0)1481 707707



Umbrella Lane

Great for: tools & information, joining the Scotland sex work community, food vouchers, free food & sex supplies, sex worker socials.

Glasgow, with a community throughout Scotland. 

0161 629 9861. Follow their Twitter for upcoming events.



Great for: campaigning, tools & info, drop in sessions, free sex supplies & food, socials and art events.  

Edinburgh, with a community throughout Scotland

+44(0)7984960378. Follow their Twitter for upcoming events. 



Safer Wales 

(Women only).

Great for: Mentoring & support, nighttime outreach services.

Cardiff, 029 2022 0033


SWAN Project

(Women only).

Great for: free sex supplies, food & clothes, assistance reporting crimes, 1-2-1 support. 

Swansea, 01792 644683.

Northern Island 



(women only). 

Great for: If you are being exploited: emotional, financial & practical support and a 24hr helpline.  For commercial sex workers: drop in services, sexual health services, health & safety advice.  

Belfast, online + phone for all of Northern Island. 

HELPLINE, 0808 802 1414. Clinic, 077 8633 8020



Great for: sexual health services and advice. 

Click here for various locations and contact numbers.  


Fancy Free Breakfasts ?

If you live in London, you’re probably paying £589769 a month to live in a ‘cosy studio flat’, in other words, to eat where you shit !
However, one perk of living in the big smoke is that you get lots of lovely pe

ople organising lots of lovely things all the time.

One of these things is London Sex Worker Breakfasts. They run every Wednesday from 11am-2pm in East London, and as well as hot food & drink, they give out all the handy supplies like lube, condoms, etc.

Check out their Twitter for updates!  



Sex Work



Iso is a writer and filmmaker based in East London. She is passionate about all things erotic and leads a sexy, shame-free life in hope that she can inspire others to do the same. Originally from a Northern seaside town, she is naturally drawn to the best things in life: candyfloss, trashy karaoke bars and heart-shaped sunglasses.

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