Sacral_Empowerment Coach Kassel


7h ago
Female, 39, Bicurious
Kassel DE (In person & Online)

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About me

I am super passionate about empowering you to fully embody & express the truth of who you are in all aspects of life and especially through the portals of your Power, Passion & Love. This includes - but is not limited to - exploring your desires & boundaries, releasing any shame or guilt around your most authentic sexual expression, embodying your fullbody fuck Yes & hell No to feel safe & be in integrity, empowering you to show up fully also in your vulnerability & sensitivity. Especially if you are also a highly sensitive soul like me, this includes the process of embodiment, to feel safe in your body again, with your wants, needs & boundaries (also energetic), your truth, your timing & building the capacity to attune to yourself, be with all that arises for you while staying connected & being able to differentiate what is yours and what are you feeling from the other person, the space, ancestry etc. to become a FULLY EMPOWERED SENSITIVE SOUL!
I love to use the portal of sexuality because the way you show up in your sexuality is the way you show up in your life!

As a high sensitive, intuitive & fiery healer, I support you through my highly attuned loving embodied presence, Spirit guidance, integrative trauma-integration (I specialized in developmental trauma (NARM) & sexual abuse) & intuitively combine it with frequency work, tools from (Neo) Tantra, Sacred Sexuality, womb healing, the Hara (Soul Embodiment), (sexological) bodywork, shadow work, Gestalt, internal family constallation & parts work as well as working with energies stored in your system from the collective, ancestry & past lives.

I work online via zoom or live in Kassel, Germany or wherever I currently am. Singles, couples in all shapes & forms. All of you is welcome just the way you are. And I am so much looking forward to reading or hearing from you & to support you in your own blossoming & empowerment!

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More about Nadine Bose

Bicurious Female
Current location: Kassel DE
39 years old

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